Reviewed Book of Proceedings: Chronic Diseases and Integrated Care: Rethinking Health and Welfare Systems (PDF, Kosice, 2020)

feb 3 2024


Ageing populations with rising chronicity, fragmented services delivery resulting from split management of health and social services, provider dissatisfaction over the standard of care for elderly patients, and vulnerable population groups are amongst the major health challenges throughout Europe. To add to this, there are great disparities between the EU regions. The indicator of population healthy life years in new EU member states has been ten years below the EU old member states average. The existing hospital-centric model of care, weak gatekeeping at the primary level, and fragmented delivery of services with limited continuity of care for patients with chronic conditions are the critical contributors to below the average health outcomes in these countries.

The complexity of needs arising from having multiple chronic conditions, in combination with ageing population, requires urgent changes to models of care that drive:

  • A shift in focus from a simple extension of life to improved functioning, well-being, and quality of life.
  • A shift towards an environment where health and social care are treated as a single unit bringing together a range of professionals and skills from both the cure (healthcare) and care (long-term and social care) sectors.
  • A shift towards community-based health and social care and the need for people to coproduce a healthier population that has less need for acute services and takes more responsibility for its care.
  • The priority toward prevention and support for self-management of health.
  • The need for partnership and a cross-sectoral approach to innovation that has a significant potential to increase choice and control for European citizens and support a necessary transformation in health and social care services.

This book of proceedings contains academic texts whose main purpose is the presentation and sharing of knowledge in the prevention and management of chronic diseases with a particular emphasis on implications for people-centered integrated models of care. All papers are made available to professionals and the general public via OpenAccess.

The International Scientific Committee, comprising experts from several universities and non-state actors, believes that the book of proceedings will stimulate further scientific discussions, research, and interdisciplinary development.

Editors: Iveta Nagyova, Zuzana Katreniakova


Prevention and management of chronic conditions: Life course-approach

Determinants of health-related quality of life in patients with osteoarthrosis
Julius Evelley, Martin Vicen, Peter Polan, Iveta Nagyova

Profile and place of pathway coordinator for complex patients
Sophie Fave, Yasmina Kalafate, Vicky Victor, Jocelyn Inamo

Cultural differences in needs and treatment preferences in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Alexandra Husivargova, Iveta Nagyova, Omaar Habib, Anna-Vilelmina Balinovits, Zelmira Macejova

Social and cognitive factors associated with self-esteem in people with multiple sclerosis
Pavol Mikula, Iveta Nagyova

A life course and multifactorial approach to dementia prevention
Marta Nemcikova, Zuzana Katreniakova, Iveta Nagyova

Intimate and sexual functioning in male patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: the role of mastery
Vladimira Timkova, Iveta Nagyova, Ruzena Tkacova

Obesity, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes

Nongenetic correlates of type 2 diabetes mellitus among Hungarian Roma and Hungarian general population: comparative cross-sectional study
Bayu Begashaw Bekele, Peter Piko, Szilvia Fiatal, Zsigmond Kosa, Janos Sandor, Roza Adany

Gender differences in mortality due to circulatory diseases in the Slovak Republic 2000 - 2017
Jana Buckova, Iveta Nagyova

Life satisfaction as an important factor of self-rated health in type 2 diabetes with long-term disease
Marcela Linková, Oliver Rácz, Lýdia Čisláková, Róbert Link

Haemoglobin A1c as the gold standard in monitoring of glycaemic compensation in patients with diabetes mellitus: how to interpret and use of the results in a creative way?
Oliver Racz, Marcela Linkova, Vladimir Heriban, Klara Lakatosova

Scaling-up strategies for evidence-based prevention and management of diabetes and hypertension in South-east Asia
Viera Rusnakova, Martin Rusnak, Jarmila Pekarcikova, Dominika Plancikova

Integrated management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM): recommendations for establishing national diabetes registry at health and wellness centers in India
Taneya Singh, Nimrat Kaur

Improving health outcomes and quality of care in chronic conditions

Zdroje informácii pacientov so srdcovo-cievnymi chorobami v klinickej praxi Sources of information for patients with cardiovascular disease in clinical practice
Lucia Dimunova, Iveta Nagyova, Jana Michalkova, Maria Zamboriova

Colitis – new possibilities of prevention and treatment
Emília Hijová, Alojz Bomba, Jana Štofilová, Izabela Bertková, Ladislav Strojný

Indicative criteria of rehabilitation treatment in cancer-surviving patients
Marián Jendrichovský

Perceived social support in psychotic patients and the number of hospitalizations
Laura Kundratova, Iveta Nagyova, Milana Kovanicova

Strengthening public health and healthcare capacities and services

Coalition of partners on strengthening the public health workforce through professionalization of public health profession in Slovakia
Zuzana Katreniakova, Daniela Kallayova, Iveta Nagyova

Burnout and work-related stress in high risk professions
Martina Chylová, Jana Schrötter

Transition towards integrated patient-centered care systems

Rethinking sustainable development goals to address disability
Dilek Aslan, Meltem Şengelen

Telenursing as a component of health care for patients with chronic diseases
Jana Michalková, Lucia Dimunová, Mária Zamboriová

Barriers to integrated care among multiple stakeholders: from assessment to intervention. The experience of Puglia region with the SCIROCCO exchange online tool
Serena Mingolla, Efthimia Pantzartzis, Elisabetta Graps

Non-pharmacological interventions (NPIS) in chronic disease management within the context of reorganization of healthcare systems and integrated care
Gregory Ninot

Integrated care in Slovakia: results of a SCIROCCO self-assessment process in the Kosice region
Iveta Nagyova, Vladimira Timkova, Andrea Pavlickova, Zuzana Katreniakova

Chronic Diseases and Integrated Care: Rethinking Health and Welfare Systems
Reviewed Book of Proceedings

Editorial work: © Nagyova I, Katreniakova Z
Book of proceedings: © 2020 PJ Safarik University in Kosice; © 2020 Slovak Public Health Association
Individual scientific papers: © 2020 Authors

ISBN 978-80-8143-282-8

Nagyova-Katreniakova-eds-ICCD-Book-of-proceedings-2020-DEF.pdf6.83 MB

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